Problem description: In the first two days, white blood cell infection caused fever, and hemorrhoids also became red and swollen. After four or five days, it is still red, swollen and painful. I would like to ask what should I do.
Question date :2020-09-11
Patient information:Age: 46 years old Gender: Female
Problem analysis:Hello, hemorrhoids are Common diseases of the anus are often accompanied by pain and bleeding from the stool. Now that your hemorrhoids are swollen, you can apply hemorrhoid cream.
Guidelines: It is recommended to clean the perianal area after every bowel movement, usually pay attention to a light diet and less oil, eat more fruits and vegetables, avoid eating spicy food that stimulates fried food, and keep the stool smooth , Avoid sitting for a long time, and take appropriate activities.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection