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New selection criteria

A county organization department selects a construction bureau chief. More than 60 people from dozens of towns and townships in the county participated in the selection. As a result, he stumped the Director of the Organization Department, Tian, ​​because of the written examination results, three of them tied for first place. Minister Tian thought about it all night, and the next day, he suggested to the county party secretary to.. Read More

Big pocket small pocket

Time: noon on March 16, 2011 Wang Lin is almost 30 years old because of his poor family and has not married a wife. In the village, the guys at the same age as Wang Lin are married and both have children. Whenever I see other people’s children jumping around in the village, I think that my son is almost 30 and has not married a wife, and I feel.. Read More

I’m wrong

One day, Zhang Chongjin bought a smart starling named “Xiao Bei” from his chess friend Lao Wang, and brought it home with joy. It may be that “Xiao Bei” is not very comfortable in changing the environment. No matter how little Zhang teases him, he will not say a word or eat. This was so anxious that Xiao Zhang hurriedly called Lao Wang for help. Lao Wang said that “Xiao.. Read More

“Take” my money back

Today is the weekend. Yang Kai and his wife, Xiaoli, are both resting at home. The two took this opportunity to celebrate the fifth anniversary of their marriage. Yang Kai said that it takes two bottles of beer to have the atmosphere. Xiaoli said she was going, and when she walked to the door, she suddenly remembered that she left her purse with her good friend yesterday, and she hadn’t.. Read More

Robber in the car

   Li Yong is in a particularly good mood recently. It will be the Spring Festival in a few days. He always has to worry about buying train tickets at this time of the year. But this year is different. Because of his outstanding performance at work, the company rewarded him with a car and became a car owner. Li Yong now leaves whenever he wants, and no longer has.. Read More


馍馍馍馍. Also called steamed bread, it is the staple food of northerners, and dumplings are also popular among northerners. A southerner travels to the north to follow the customs and wants to eat northern food. At noon that day, I saw him enter a restaurant, point to the dumplings on the table and ask the waiter: “Miss, how much does it cost to sleep?” The waiter was about to have.. Read More

A brilliant hypnotist

A man went to a hypnotist. Said to the hypnotist: “Master, I have been very confused recently, thinking about a lot of things, and I have always been unable to sleep. I haven’t closed a glance for the past three days. I feel that my brain is about to split. I am in pain! Can you help me?” After the hypnotist listened to his words, he led the man into.. Read More

Hang up

Compiled: Mountain Peak Time: April 6, 2011 The child is the heart and soul of the adult. Sometimes, due to playfulness and disobedience, parents will be conflicted and unpleasant… At night, Wu Liang and his wife Wang Yan were watching TV on the kang, while their three and a half-year-old son was playing by the side. After watching for more than an hour, Wu Liang smoked faintly and said to.. Read More

That’s because the hero is not me

Xiaohua is a full-fledged literary lover. Outside of work, he always likes to publish some of his original novels on the literary network. Regrettably, in a few years, almost no editor will go over his work too much, and the click rate is average. But he has a very loyal fan, the only fan, that is his girlfriend, a girlfriend who lives in another city. Although she is a loyal.. Read More

Drunk cart

The driver, Zhao, is a drunkard. He often drank and drove, but he had never had an accident. He often boasted in front of people: “I have been driving for most of my life, with my eyes closed and open. Based on my experience, There will be no problem.” Since the traffic police strictly investigated drunk driving, he still does his own way. Once, he drank and drove, was discovered.. Read More