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Book recommendation: Six good books bring you entry data science

What is behind the data? The Translation Bureau is a compilation team that focuses on technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, focusing on foreign new technologies, new ideas, and new trends. Editor’s note: In everyday data science operations, people rarely consider the meaning of “people” in them, even though the data itself is for people. Therefore, to be the perfect statistical solution, you should not only read technical articles,.. Read More

What new applications does XR have? There are 18 new projects recommended by the Qualcomm & Pico XR Innovation Application Contest.

In 2019, the AR/VR/XR industry has gradually increased in popularity, In 2019, the AR/VR/XR industry has gradually increased in popularity, and is gradually re-respecting the field of venture capital and media. Many startup companies have experienced the low tide of AR/VR/XR venture capital. And began to gradually introduce their own products or applications. On August 3rd, at the Shanghai International Exhibition Center ChinaJoy Exhibition E4 Qualcomm Xiaolong Theme Pavilion, the.. Read More