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Ten years ago, it was the pride of domestic smartphones.

this article comes from the public geek selection (ID: GeekChoice), the author who is the hero, love Fan Erjing Authorized release. There are some products that are old, they may have faded out of sight, but they often make us full of memories. As a nostalgic choice for geeks (GeekChoice), The Geek Museum hopes to find these products that have brought us surprises and touches, and bring you back to.. Read More

In-depth information | Market share increased to 46% in the first half of the year, but there are also hidden concerns in the Ningde era

In the first half of the Ningde era, the installed capacity of batteries increased, and the leading position in the industry continued to be consolidated. 文 | Daily Business Collection In the first half of the year, the market share increased to 46%, but there are also hidden concerns in the Ningde era National power battery leading company Ningde era recently released 2019 semi-annual report. The report shows that the.. Read More

Dongben enters the “full-mix era”, i-MMD hybrid system saves 40%

Hybrid models are mainly based on slow charging or engine charging. In terms of battery life and used car value, hybrid models are also superior to pure electric vehicles. Fu Yuwu, honorary chairman of China Automotive Engineering Society and honorary chairman of China Automotive Talent Research Association, said that the implementation of the National Sixth Standard in advance reflects the country’s unprecedented determination and intensity in energy conservation and emission.. Read More

In order to let the computer better understand the image, Google proposed a new program.

Scientific research drawings can be more beautiful and clearer. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Gate Ventures ” (ID: thejiangmen), the author makes innovation recognized. The original title “Color blindness is not blind, Google proposes a clearer visual color map Turbo” Pseudo-color maps have important applications in computer vision and machine learning. From the visualization of depth maps to abstract applications like image differences, pseudo-color maps are.. Read More

The first anniversary of the drop downwind: the arrow is on the string, like a thin ice

This article comes from the daily life of the technology circle, author Wen Qiqi, and love Fan Er is authorized to publish. At this special moment, the drops became cautious and silent. After August 27 last year, after two vicious incidents, Didi drove its nationwide downwind business. So far, there is still no online timetable. However, compared to last year’s stagnation of ice, after entering April 2019, the drip has.. Read More

Mito will not make money

After “cutting off” the mobile phone business, Mito’s earnings report changed face. This article is from WeChat public account “Fueling Finance” (ID: rancaijing), author Yan Lijiao, editor Allen. After “cutting off” the mobile phone business, Mito’s earnings report changed face. On August 26, Meitu released the first half of the 2019 financial report. As of June 30, Meitu achieved revenue of 464 million yuan, down 4.7% from the same period.. Read More

Virtual idol growth method: “Full-time master” Ye Xiu how to “facelift” into a profit tool?

Virtual idols are also derivatives of IP. This article is from WeChat public account “Spicy Entertainment” (ID: malayutou001 ), author Wen Dong. “Life is always chasing the illusion, but whoever regards the illusion as a illusion, who sinks into the boundless sea of ​​bitterness”, after the emergence of virtual idols, our process of chasing stars is more like chasing the poet’s pen Mirage.” The virtual idol created under the spotlight.. Read More

Ebb and flow, see how SaaS rationally breaks out?

This SaaS research article, you will read the 2019 enterprise-level SaaS status and opportunity points~ Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “Qingtong Capital” (ID: qtziben), the author loves to observe the Qingtong Capital. The original title “Qingtong Capital Observation: Ebb and flow, see how SaaS rationally breaks out? 》 Financing from 158, 31% annual compound market growth rate, 230,000 paying users,China’s enterprise-level SaaS has continued to.. Read More

From opening a toy store to going public, the way to run a house

Shouya (コトブキヤ) is a famous Japanese company that produces and sells toys. Its history dates back to 1947. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Sanwen Entertainment” (ID: hi3wyu ), author Wind. The original title “From the opening of the toy store to the listing, the way of life management | The model of the play industry industry, the third phase” Shouwu (コトブキヤ) is a famous Japanese company.. Read More

Gobi Venture Capital Zhu Xi: New investment opportunities after the dividends subsided

In Zhu Xi’s view, VC’s mission is always to explore potential opportunities. When China’s first wave of dividends comes to an end, investors must adjust their direction accordingly. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “China Europe Business Review” (ID: ceibs- cbr) , author: Cao Xinbei. Graduate from the Department of Computer Automation, Zhu Xi has the characteristics of a typical science and engineering man, and he pays.. Read More