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Sharing a rent can’t make a fast fashion life straw

With just a few hundred pieces, you can make the most awkward street. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Retail boss internal reference” (ID: lslb168), the author Sun Yuan. Core Guide: 1. Why are fast fashions going online? 2. What is the current situation of shared renting in China? 3. What is the gap between China and the United States in the rental business? The sharing economy.. Read More

Dai Zhikang: P2P Folding Road for a Real Estate Building

P2P is the place to steal money, provided that you run fast. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Glonghui” (ID: hkstocks), author: Hanyang tree. On January 21, 2015, Shanghai Zendai (0755.HK) announced the suspension of trading. A few days later, Dai Zhikang announced that he had withdrawn from the real estate industry and held 42.03% of his shares with his daughter for a total price of HK$1,250.7.. Read More