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Financing partners short-listed projects | Online + offline smart stores cut in, “outside the building and outside the building” to be a high-end community owner life steward

Covering more than 200 properties, it has 11 self-operated stores. The new retail concept led to the development of the Smart Community Circuit in 2018, has reported Smart Community Service Provider “Outside the Building” Recently, he said that he has completed a series of transformations and upgrades. Previously, the building was positioned as a smart community solution provider, and through the provision of SaaS tools for the property management department,.. Read More

Featured headline 丨 Ali acquired Netease koala; Weibo launched Oasis App; Ruixing “Little Deer Tea” operates independently; Apple issues bonds

This week’s focus on the company: Alibaba, NetEase, Weibo, Ruixun Coffee, Fun Headline, Apple Inc. “Featured Headlines” is a weekly column to help you sort out the company and business news that deserves attention that week. The “Featured Headlines” consists of a number of short news items, all from the subscription column “Daily Business Collection.” The following is a noteworthy company and business news this week (September 2nd – September.. Read More