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Global IPv4 addresses are used up, but this will not affect your Internet access

All 4.3 billion IPv4 addresses worldwide have been allocated. Editor’s note: This article comes from Interface News , author Zheng Chaoqian. All global IPv4 addresses have been allocated. Any new IPv4 network equipment can no longer join the Internet world, but it does not mean that the original equipment cannot continue to access the Internet. The IP address is finally not enough. On November 26, the European Network Coordination Center,.. Read More

First Launch | Own Content System + SaaS Service Platform, “Fall in Love” Enters Enterprise Sales Training Market Through AI Sales Portrait Recommendation

The systemized, fragmented, and online 100,000-level industry-specific and general atomized knowledge base has recently learned that the corporate sales training SAAS service platform “Fall in Love” has received 10 million-level financing from Dexun Capital. It is reported that this round of financing funds will be mainly used for continuous research and development of content and platforms. Fall in love with learning is a SaaS learning platform focusing on sales position.. Read More

Save the cat or the painting? Life may have a stage, but it cannot be a performance at all times

The article is from the public number: Yu Sheng thought (ID: yurii-says) , author: Yu Sheng, from the title figure: Oriental IC. Although the Story of Strange Stories is very popular, it has never intersected with my reading circle. However, in the first few weeks, many articles suddenly appeared on “The Legend of the Wonder”, so I was curious and watched the excitement. What’s causing the debate is the argument.. Read More

Difficult to get ofo deposit: In order not to pay back the money, Xiaohuang tried everything

Ofo’s crisis is still going on, but it’s getting ugly. Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account “Baker Street Detective Officer ” ( ID: bkjtag), author Chen Xiaomu. Dave doesn’t want to withdraw the deposit from users of ofo, but he is already penniless. In addition, the deposit of these 15 million users is billions of dollars. If it is really refunded, Dave ’s dream of ofo will.. Read More

To B has no name in the battlefield of “Know the Emperors”

Supporting high-quality content is of course the core bargaining point for cornering, but where is the boundary between high-quality content and social responsibility? As the top 2 of automotive information vertical media, this is the question that the emperor should think about. Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account ” travel a passenger “(ID: carcaijing) , author: Yang Peiqian, editor: Shi Zhiliang. “Our purpose is to make good.. Read More

The actor Gao Yixiang recorded the death of the show. Why is the competitive variety show so desperate?

This article is from public number: Interface News (ID: wowjiemian) author: Liu Rui Xin, Daitian Wen, Hu Yu Jing, from the title figure: vision China. At noon on November 27, at 12:23, Zhejiang TV ’s “Follow Me” program group finally issued a statement confirming that Gao Yixiang’s sudden reduction during recordingQuickly fell to the ground. After more than two hours of rescue, the hospital announced that Gao Yixiang eventually suffered.. Read More

The work is endless, and to be honest, they are “looking for”

We also need to meet the needs of individuals or families in our daily lives. In this case, we can easily feel “stressful” for a long time. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “Harvard Business Review” (ID: hbrchinese). Work has become more demanding on us, and we need to meet increasingly complex challenges in an almost endlessly fast pace. We also need to meet the needs of.. Read More

Panasonic exits semiconductor market: loss-making chip business to be resold to a Chinese company

China’s Nuvoton Technology Corp., which acquired the Panasonic semiconductor business, is part of Winbond Electronics, another Chinese memory chip maker. Nuvoton Technology Corporation manufactures microcontrollers, controllers and audio and power related chips. Editor’s note: This article comes from Tencent Technology . In the past ten years, the Japanese electronics industry companies have undergone major reorganizations, and have launched businesses with meager profits or losses. In particular, the traditional home appliance.. Read More

Rumors of bankruptcy shrouded Jinhua, Zhejiang

The article is from the public number: China Economic Weekly (ID: ChinaEconomicWeekly) author: Chen Yiliang, questions from the map: vision China. At the end of November, Jinhua, a city in central Zhejiang, experienced a sudden drop in temperature and rain. Youth Auto Group (“Youth Car”) in front of the head office of Jinhua Economic and Technological Development Zone , Slightly deserted. Recently, the Hangzhou Xiaoshan People’s Court ruled that the.. Read More

Apple’s antitrust investigation expands: iOS location data privacy feature becomes new target

Apple has made strengthening privacy protection a core part of its brand. But critics are increasingly warning that the iPhone maker may be using privacy protection as a cover for its anticompetitive behavior. Editor’s note: This article comes from Tencent Technology . Strategy: Apple has always sought to strengthen privacy protections, but critics are increasingly warning that the iPhone maker may be using privacy protection as a cover for its.. Read More