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“Frozen 2” wins, is Hollywood animation still a “panacea”?

Even if “Frozen 2” shows a good selling appearance, it is still difficult to cover up the plight of the lack of “explosive models” in Hollywood animation. Editor’s note: This article is from WeChat public account “ Poison Eyes ” (ID: youhaoxifilm ), Author Chen Yan, editor Jiang Yuqi. On November 22, Frozen 2 was screened simultaneously in major global markets including China and the United States, which sparked heated.. Read More

Chinese astronomers discover the largest star-shaped black hole to date

This article is from the public number: I am a scientist iScientist (ID: IamaScientist) author: Ju strong, original title “Chinese astronomers found that so far the largest stellar-mass black hole! The quality is equivalent to 70 suns “, the title picture comes from: Oriental IC Black holes are familiar to everyone.The astronomy term is also the “star” in astronomy research. As the most mysterious celestial body in the universe, although.. Read More

What does eSports bring to young people?

Looking at the domestic development again, e-sports has been listed as the 99th sports event officially launched by the General Administration of Sport of China. There are still a lot of sports events before e-sports, including skipping, which is also regarded as the sports club One of the identified sports, e-sports and skipping are almost at the same level. To be honest, this can only be considered as a beginning,.. Read More

Westport Dream Wake: Broken Leverage

This article is from the public number: Modern middle (ID: modernstory) , author: modern middle-class, original title “Westport wake: broken leverage, residual shell dark and deep hole of fantasy”, the title figure comes from: Side IC When the desire is over. One A month ago, homeless singer Hai Xin opened a concert in Cambodia’s Westport, and the fare was 6,200 yuan, which was comparable to Jay Chou. Prior to his.. Read More

Breaking the boundaries of the screen, can AR / VR still bring virtual reality into reality?

Three years have passed since the “first year”, and AR / VR did not develop smoothly in the direction everyone expected. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “ All Media Group” (ID: quanmeipai), author Tencent Media. When you talk about AR / VR, what do you think of first? Sensory upgrades, tech bubbles, or head-to-head instruments that are slightly bulky one after another? In 2016, the.. Read More

Xiaomi sells less mobile phones but makes more money

.3%. In addition to being able to safely overcome the current difficulties, the improvement of profitability has also brought greater benefits to Xiaomi. A consensus is that if you cannot obtain reasonable profits while the market share is growing, it will be difficult to meet profit expectations, and it will be difficult for the capital market to see the growth of enterprises. It seems that Xiaomi knows this. IoT revenue.. Read More

How to identify the authenticity of a file

This article comes from the web log of the public account Ruan Yifeng (ID: ruanyf-blog), author Ruan Yifeng, and Ai Fan’er are authorized to publish it. Everyone downloads a file. Have you ever thought that the file may be fake, especially from a network disk or a special download station? This article talks about how to identify the authenticity of documents. One, XcodeGhost event We start with a real event… Read More

7 classic psychological experiments revealing human nature, seeing a cold sweat

The article is from the public number: Unidirectional Street Bookstore (ID: onewaystreet2013) , author: Iris, from the title figure:” the wave. ” Smoke room experiment-danger is coming, will you really react? This is an experiment by Bibb Latane and John M. Darley in the Department of Psychology at Princeton University in 1968. In the experiment, the subjects were asked to sit in the room. After a while, the smoke slowly.. Read More

Lincoln may build pure electric SUV based on Rivian chassis, Ford accelerates electrification transformation

Lincoln’s pure electric SUV will be launched in the middle of 2022. Editor’s note: This article comes from “ Future Car Daily ” (WeChat public account ID: auto-time), author: Xiao Cheng Yi. Author | Cheng Xiaoyi Edit | Li Huanhuan According to sources familiar with the matter, Reuters Lincoln, a luxury brand owned by Ford Motor Co., will launch a pure electric SUV based on electric vehicle startup Rivian’s skateboard.. Read More