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10 data graphs tell you that fighting the “epidemic” can also play a good economic war

This article comes from WeChat public account : CEIBS Business review (ID: ceibs-cbr) , author: Cao Xinbei The long-term trend of the economy will not be changed. From the rapid outbreak of the new coronavirus, the increasing number of newly diagnosed and suspected cases, and the prolongation of the Spring Festival holiday, policies on delaying resumption of work have been introduced successively throughout the country. In the days when people.. Read More

The world’s first classical Chinese programming language was born, and it was created by a college student

How exactly is programming in classical Chinese? Editor’s note: This article comes from “ 爱 范 儿 “, edited by Li Chaofan Fu Tang, Yu Zhishi, tied the rope and ruled by the feet, counted by his fingers. After a hundred generations, it was unexpected that the mechanics of computing were good at the wooden kite of public loss, and good at martial arts. The number of programming languages ​​is.. Read More

Zhang Wenhong: If the deadly infectious disease strikes again, will we be helpless?

This article comes from WeChat public account: CC Forum (ID: ccjt2014) , this article first appeared in 2018 July 12, 2014, Speaker: Zhang Wenhong Director of Infectious Diseases, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University The birth of the agricultural society, human beings began to gather, and infectious diseases have been with us. From the first infectious disease smallpox eradicated by humans to cholera, plague, and leprosy; from H1N1 in 1918 to Beijing.. Read More

IDC: Q4 smartphone shipments fell 1.1% year-on-year, Apple shipments return to first place

After the release of the fourth quarter data, smartphone shipments for the whole of 2019 have declined for the third consecutive year. Editor’s note: This article comes from Interface News , author Peng Xin . Image source: Pexels Data released by International Data Corporation (IDC) on February 4th shows that the total global smartphone shipments in the fourth quarter of 2019 reached 368 million units, a decrease of 1.1% year-on-year… Read More

Those ordinary retrogrades

We are fighting a war without gun smoke, and our opponents are by no means visible to the naked eye. People who are brave on the front line at this time have a complex and single identity, and aside from the complicated social network, only the word “retrograde” can be fully summarized at this moment. The front line of this war has never been so clear. The front line is.. Read More

Stay at home! The technical house tells you in 5 minutes: Why can’t we go out now?

This article comes from WeChat public No: library field (ID: v_movier) , author: V sister Today is spring. Everything begins to recover. It’s snowing in Beijing too. Some people who have been at home for half a month seem to feel the epidemic is under control. I ca n’t help but want to go out and breathe. There are even people playing snowballs outside the window. Do you know how.. Read More

At present, 5G that has been commercialized demonstrates these skills at Vulcan Mountain Hospital.

Live “supervisor”, remote consultation, 5G technology began to be applied to the front line of epidemic resistance. Editor’s note: This article comes from Interface News . Author | 郑洁瑶 Edit | Song Jianan Image source: Unsplash The epidemic of new-type coronavirus pneumonia is still at an important tackling moment, but at the same time, the regular delivery of Wuhan Vulcan Mountain Hospital gave people a shot. Unlike Xiaotangshan Hospital 17.. Read More

Asymptomatic transmission of new coronary pneumonia? NEJM case found that the facts of the paper are wrong

This article comes from WeChat public account: a new perspective on medicine (ID: HealthHorizon) , edited by WuXi AppTec Content Team The current outbreak of new coronavirus infections poses a threat to public health. The epidemic has caused anxiety to countless people and attracted worldwide attention. In a paper published on January 30 in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) , scientists described four people in Germany Cases of.. Read More

How to train your brain to develop new habits?

Develop a new habit and break the old habit in 2020. Shenzhen Translation Bureau is a compilation team focusing on technology, business, workplace, and life. Editor’s note: It is not easy to develop a new habit, and it is often more difficult to break an old habit. This article introduces some scientifically supported methods and techniques that can help everyone develop good habits and break habits in 2020. This article.. Read More

Where did the virus come from before the bat?

This article is from the public number: Bring Science Home (ID: steamforkids) , author: Mirror The virus is arguably the most widespread in nature.Pan but the most elusive organism. From oceans to high altitudes, viruses are ubiquitous, and the total number of particles is far more than the sum of the number of individual cell organisms. From blue whales to bacteria, no species can survive their infection, even when they.. Read More