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Virus, the still river

This article is from the WeChat public account: The Academy of Science (ID: kexuedayuan) , author: Ye Sheng, from the title figure: vision China Analogue of life What is life? If there is no virus in the world, the answer to the above question is simple-life is made of cells. Whether it is single-cell bacteria, archaea, fungi, or most multi-cellular plants and animals, their basic activities are inseparable from cells… Read More

The Flash limit is approaching, but you can also play 40,000 Flash games on this site

When talking about Flash, many people ’s first reaction may be 4399. This website full of cottage games is a source of childhood happiness, but with better HTML 5 and Adobe will stop technical support at the end of this year, Flash is out of history. The fate of the stage is irreversible. What about the small games full of memories? The people who have feelings for Flash games are.. Read More

Tech ads on the Super Bowl: Amazon is absurd, Google is warm, and the most classic is Apple

Apple’s “1984” ads gained viral vitality in the pre-YouTube era. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “PingWest product play” (ID: wepingwest), author Decode. February 2, local time, the 2020 Super Bowl (American Football League Annual Championship) ended, and the Kansas City Chiefs reversed the San Francisco 49ers to win the championship under adverse circumstances. Apart from the game itself, each year’s Super Bowl TV commercials are.. Read More

How Rui Xing beat capitalism

This article comes from WeChat public account: Fairy JUMP (ID: xrtiaotiao) , author: semi-immortal Buddha 01 In the past two days, the world-renowned short-selling agency Muddy Water (the muddy water that touches fish with muddy water) , published a 89-page The research report on Ruixing is relatively negative. Munshui is a very well-known short-selling agency. It particularly likes shorting Chinese listed companies in the capital market. It can be called.. Read More

Neglected outbreak statistics: Outside of Wuhan, which cities have severe outbreaks?

This article comes from WeChat public number: Liu Dehuan (ID: liudehuanpku) , author: Liu Dehuan Because the epidemic is an event with contagion as the growth condition, it is reasonable and necessary to calculate the current epidemic statistics based on numbers. -remarks “label =” Remarks “> (the number of confirmed cases) , while ignoring the relative numbers that can be compared, and may ignore some of the more severe areas.. Read More

Chapter Six | Ren Zhengfei on Management Change

The Internet era has changed people’s perception of change. Once, change was thought to be costly or even harmful; now everyone understands that change is inevitable. To adapt to change, companies need not only technological innovation but also management change. Ren Zhengfei once said: “Although the methods we used in the past can survive, we cannot guarantee that we will continue to live in the future.” An important reason for.. Read More

Science and technology war epidemic in the rear

This article comes from micro-channel public number: Sina Technology (ID: techsina) , author: Li Nan, the original title: “B vaccination side: the sky” propaganda “and a different kind Teacher | Science after the War of Science and Technology “Uncle, don’t go out without a mask. And the aunt next to you, you haven’t brought a mask.” A guy’s shout suddenly popped up in the sky of a village. Uncle Aunt.. Read More

New Xbox Adaptive Controller allows disabled people to play games with a wheelchair controller

Do you also feel that people with disabilities seem to only appear on TV and news when seen on computer systems? When using features like Assisted Reading, you’ll be curious if anyone has actually used it. In fact, many people with disabilities live in society. According to the 2006 census data, there are about 83 million people with disabilities in China. These people with disabilities also need modern lives, including.. Read More

The most expensive “grass” in the world, redefining “delicious fast food”

As Sweetgreen, Tender Greens, Mendocino Farms, Dig Inn and other high-value, fast-food restaurants serving fresh and healthy salads became popular, the definition of “delicious fast food” is also quietly changing. 2020, eat better together Author | Zhang Shiyi & Zi Responsible Editor | Lu Do you like fast food? Wait a minute … Before answering this question, we must define what fast food we are discussing. Is it an unhealthy.. Read More

2019 Global Investment Research Review (Part 2): Global Industry Insights and New Hotspots in China

Based on the popularity of investment and financing in the Chinese market in 2019, Gaolin Consulting summarizes the eight major industries that have received the most attention from capital in the past year. Investment institutions can predict the distribution of future large transactions through investment heat analysis. Editor’s note: This article comes from WeChat public account ThirdBridge ( ID: WeAreThirdBridge), author Gaolin Consulting. Original title “ [ 2019 Gaolin Consulting.. Read More