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European semiconductor troika’s “turbulent times” change

This week, foreign media heard heavy news that Huawei is discussing deep cooperation with STMicroelectronics (ST). Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “Semiconductor Industry Watch” (ID: icbank) , author Chang Qiu. This week, foreign media heard heavy news that Huawei is discussing with STMicroelectronics (ST) deep cooperation. According to the report, Huawei and STMicroelectronics jointly include chips for automotive applications (such as autonomous driving) in addition.. Read More

The next stage of the new vocational education: When will the unicorn company appear on the track

Expected from 2022 to 2024. Calculating backwards from the commercial results, the stage data of the head company: a fast-growing company with a revenue of 280 million to 700 million yuan. A stable company with a profit of 80 million to 350 million yuan. Last year targeted The new vocational education direction of the domestic” birth of big companies “ Logic , has been combed (macro factors, market environment, Changes.. Read More

Structural monetary policy is a pseudo concept

Before the financial bailout and relief of various countries, the monetary authorities of various countries have begun the necessary economic intervention to deal with the epidemic, which has led to discussions on the methods and means of monetary authority intervention. For example, there have recently been discussions in China on issues such as “balance between structural monetary policy and aggregate monetary policy”. In this regard, I would like to talk.. Read More

1985-2020: China’s credit card revolution

See the changes of the times in the details Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account / a>, Hong Ruoxin, Yi Lei / Wen.   From closed eyes to intensive operations to the loss and catch-up in the era of mobile payments, the history of credit card development is also an evolution of technology to promote the reconstruction of financial services history. —— Xin Finance From the.. Read More

New record: the world’s highest 500 kV transmission tower completed in Tibet

People ’s Daily client news on May 2nd, on the morning of May 2nd, on the Gatzola Mountain at the junction of Latze County, Shigatse, Tibet, and Dingri County, 5357 meters above sea level, With Tibet and Ali The successful establishment of the power grid interconnection project (hereinafter referred to as Alibaba interconnection project) No. 4R053, the world ’s highest 500 kV transmission tower, marks a move that has set.. Read More

Credit card revolution history

The birth of credit cards represents the rise of personal credit and credit. It can be said that its evolution actually records changes in consumption patterns and concepts from generation to generation. Later, the emergence of Internet finance once again decided the next level of credit card transition: “Bank cards are just a product, but App is a platform that carries the entire ecology. App-based credit cards have covered users’.. Read More

Munger is absent from the online shareholders’ meeting. Who will be Buffett’s successor to the 400 billion financial empire?

At this year’s general meeting of shareholders, only Abel was with Buffett. Editor’s note: This article from the public micro-channel number “Vote in China” (ID: China-Venture) , author Cao Weiyu. at the general meeting of shareholders held this year However, it was only Abel that accompanied Buffett, which seemed to have hinted Buffett’s decision about successor. One The annual Buffett Shareholders’ Meeting is approaching, and the “pilgrimage” for global investors.. Read More

Easy remote assistance: How many good things are hidden in Windows?

In the Windows 10 system, there is a system built-in application, named [Quick Assistant]. When you or someone else’s Windows 10 encounters any problems, you can use it to help each other. Search [Quick Assistant] to open the application. You can choose [Get Assistance] or [Provide Assistance] according to your needs. If at this time, our friend has a problem with a Windows 10 system and needs assistance here, click.. Read More

Ministry of Commerce: The scale of service trade in the first quarter decreased by 10.8% year-on-year, but the structure improved

Ministry of Commerce News Office WeChat public account “Business WeChat News” May 2 news, May 2nd, the head of the Ministry of Commerce’s Service Trade Department introduced the development of China’s service trade in the first quarter of 2020. In the first quarter, affected by factors such as the New Coronary Pneumonia epidemic, China ’s service trade scale declined, but the trade deficit continued its shrinking momentum since last year.. Read More

HKUST Xunfei’s 2019 performance reached a record high, subsidies contributed half of net profit, and the chairman greatly reduced its holdings

It ’s a golden sentence, with very few figures, that puts the essence of the stock market on the heart of investors: it is the company ’s profitability that ultimately determines the stock price. I wish the HKUST Xunfei can weigh a good weight. Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice.