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Xingyun project successfully launched the starting star: In the future, it is planned to solve the communication blind spot and realize the interconnection of all things

Science and Technology Daily WeChat official account on May 12th, at 9:16:40 on May 12th, China used the Kuaizhou No. 1 A carrier rocket in the “One Arrow, Two Stars” method at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The 01 and 02 stars of Yun-2 were launched. Science and Technology Daily reporter learned from China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation that as the star of the group ’s space-based IoT constellation,.. Read More

“Magic Intelligence” won a 100 million yuan A2 round of financing to develop L1-L4 autonomous driving solutions

In the next 3 years, it is planned to achieve 1 million loaded vehicles. It is learned that the embedded artificial intelligence autonomous driving company “Magic Intelligence” announced the completion of a 100 million yuan A2 round of financing. Investors include Shengshi Jinhao, Ruijing Capital and Boxin Fund. This round of financing will be used to develop core technologies and products for autonomous driving, consolidate core customers and market cooperation,.. Read More

Update | Food supplier “Lehe” received a 400 million yuan C round of investment, Meituan Dragon Ball Capital and CDH jointly led the investment

The group meal supply chain track ushered in a market-oriented dividend period It was learned that food supplier Lehe Food Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Lehe”) has recently completed a 400 million yuan C round of financing. Longzhu Capital and CDH Investment jointly led the investment, and the old shareholders and Zhi Investment followed suit. The funds will be mainly used for partner landing, talent investment, food product.. Read More

Chao Technology | Interpretation of optical communication manufacturers in 2019: ten years of glory to the end, 5G opens up a new continent

As of the last day of April, domestic optical communication manufacturers have fully released the 2019 annual performance report. From the perspective of revenue and net profit, they have stopped the growth trend for many consecutive years. Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “Optical Communication Observation” (ID: C114-guangtongxin), author Shui Yi.    ** In 2019, when China Telecom announced the results of outdoor optical cable collection.. Read More

“Houlang” is so hot, but station B is still a ghost and a beast.

This article comes from the WeChat public account: China Newsweek (ID: chinanewsweekly) , author: Feng Chao, title figure from: B station video “Ma – Tencent we do not profit” Actor He Bing gave a speech at the “Houlang” on the May 4th Youth Day and sent the (hereinafter referred to as B station) Bilibili website to Wei Boresearch. The phrase “younger body can accommodate more diverse cultures, aesthetics and values”.. Read More

Media value changes, a closed loop of “channel x content-marketing-purchase” is formed, and traditional gameplay has entered the ICU

In 2019, online consumption still maintained a relatively high growth rate, surpassing 8.5 trillion yuan, of which live broadcast e-commerce, idle transactions and other channels are increasing. Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “QuestMobile” (ID: QuestMobile) , author Mr .QM. In the previous share, Mr.QM introduced the 2019 Internet advertising rivers and lakes melee pattern, which basically shows who died, who lived, who did n’t know.. Read More

Movie-related stocks “one-day tour”, the industry is still dominated by pessimism

Media stocks are still in crisis. Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account “New Cultural Business” (ID: Ent-Biz) , Author Grace Wu, editor Amy Wang. Released with authorization. The stock market greeted the news of the cinema’s recovery in the most dramatic way. On Monday, Hong Kong-listed stocks related to the film industry surged. Imax China rose 7.3%, Catseye Entertainment rose 9.6%, and Alibaba Pictures Group rose.. Read More

AB side of China Prospective Stocks

The chain reaction caused by Ruixing’s “Black Swan Incident” has far surpassed the trust crises in previous stocks. China ’s stocks have become unprecedented in the “short-sale tide”, iQiyi, who to learn from, 58 city and other hot companies are not spared; the management of the US Securities Regulatory Commission has made the US stock market even more The loose door has a tight posture; and the China Securities Regulatory.. Read More

Multi-picture | Quick Boat Rocket Performing Launching Mission Painted “Medical Workers Group Portrait” Tribute

At 9:16 on May 12, the Wuhan satellite was successfully launched. The rocket body of the Kuaizhou rocket performing the launch mission is painted with “Heroes Wuhan · Great China” and “Group Portraits of Tribute to Medical Workers” to pay tribute to the heroic city, heroic people and vast numbers of medical workers. Today (12th) is the International Nurses’ Day, pay tribute to the heroes together! Netizen: The “exclusive confession”.. Read More

The day when Chinese console players crashed, could Sony be destroyed in 16 years?

How many years of wind and rain, do not be destroyed by malicious. Editor’s note: This article comes from the WeChat public account ID: Coreesports , author Li Yifei. May 10, 2020, maybe just an ordinary day for the whole world. However, for thousands of domestic cable fans and core gamers, this day will be recorded in the annals of history because of its grayness-the National Bank PlayStation was reported.. Read More