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We have set up 500 new infrastructure companies, and the core dry goods are all here.

This article is from WeChat official account:such as the Institute of Finance (ID: RuShiYanJiu), author: Friends of pipe clear, from the first chart: vision China 2020 New Infrastructure Series Research: New Infrastructure, New Kinetic Energy, New Journey In 1993, the United States began to implement the “National Information Infrastructure Project Plan” that now seems far-reaching and effective. The plan invested 200 to 400 billion US dollars. The “road” of the.. Read More

Sister Huihunye

Zhang Song couldn’t sleep over and over. In fact, he wanted to personally verify what his sister was like after death. Although there are many legends, he has never seen it himself, so he is really curious. After the twelve o’clock bell, sleepiness has struck, and at this time sparse footsteps came from the door. But not the sound of a person’s footsteps. Zhang Song guessed that it was her.. Read More

Dai Zhen, the founder of Energy Chain: Reconstructing the energy yard and defining the future energy | WISE2020 Super Evolver Conference

Energy chain uses digitalization to define new energy infrastructure. The founder of Energy Chain: Dai Zhen On August 25th, the WISE2020 Super Evolver Conference was held in Shanghai, inviting entrepreneurial leaders, top investors, star entrepreneurs and senior industry experts to share secrets across different growth cycles, including 5G, artificial intelligence, new In-depth discussions in retail, online education, smart travel and other industries will help entrepreneurs jump out of the industry.. Read More

Pork is also beautiful, the farmer’s market in three provinces and four cities rises from the bottom

This article is from WeChat official account:New reporter (ID: njuxjz), author: Tang Ke Wei, Yu Xinyu, grandson heart pool, Liu Zhiling, Yi Xi Lamu, Photo: Yu Xinyu, United States Code: Xu Ziyi, Editor: Liu Huan, the original title:” pork is also beauty – large provinces four City farmers market From the bottom”, head picture from: Visual China From live webcasts to daily photography, coating a beautifying filter has long been.. Read More

Dialogue with Wenjian: Public hospitals have entered the Internet medical service one after another, how to run out of speed and passion?

The strong are always strong. Under the catalysis of the epidemic, Internet hospitals, which have been testing the waters for many years, finally ushered in a real spring. Not only was the efficiency of the introduction of relevant national policies significantly improved, it was originally aimed at ” Some closed gates of “Internet + medical” are also being gradually released. “An epidemic, which allowed us to walk a few years.. Read More

Yunnan mushroom eaters: 7-year-old picking up bacteria, selling mushrooms for 60 years, encountering a “dancing Buddha statue”

This article is from WeChat official account:Microscopy Story (ID: xianweigushi), original title: “7-year-old picked up the hill fungus, bacteria sell more than 60 years, encountered” dancing Buddha, “we are people of Yunnan eating bacteria”, author: Guangling, editor: Zhao Minwen, head of FIG. From: Visual China The rainy season is a period and a meeting between Yunnan people and “little people”. I don’t know when it started. It is said that.. Read More

An Illustrated Book of Ants with Trillions of Market Value

* Insurance: Ant Group cooperates with insurance companies to provide insurance products, including innovative insurance products, as well as health and life insurance products. In terms of digital payers and merchant services, they mainly charge B-side technical service fees, such as e-commerce, offline transactions and other consumption scenarios. Each transaction will incur such fees, and the rate is usually 1,000 Sixths. As can be seen from the figure below, From.. Read More


Zhang Yifan should not. “Tell you! Don Fei died early! Dawn dumped her, and she committed suicide if she couldn’t figure it out!” “Impossible!” “How impossible! It was the day you went to buy your mobile phone and you died. Someone found out that when you reported to the school, the news was blocked! The person who reported the letter also received a lot of hush money.”< br> Zhang Yifan.. Read More

Ant Group, the largest wealth-making machine in 2020

Behind the feast of ant listing to make wealth is the sexiest capital story in the history of Chinese financial technology, whether it can hold up the market value of 225 billion US dollars (1.56 trillion yuan / 174 million Hong Kong dollars). Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “Dongsi Shitiao Capital” (ID: DsstCapital), Author Zheng Xuan Lin Ju Ellie. As the world’s most highly valued.. Read More

After the Expo Logo was announced, Japanese netizens collapsed

This article is from WeChat official account: Game Research Society Village (ID: yysaag) , Author: Blank winding, from the chart title:” 99.9- professional criminal lawyer – in the second quarter 》Screenshots of stills For large-scale international events such as the World Expo, the publicity of the Logo is always the highlight. This pattern, which will represent the facade of my house for a long time, naturally has to be carefully.. Read More