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Is the data on the 4D report normal? I can’t understand what the doctor said.

Problem description: Is the data on the four-dimensional report normal? I can’t understand the doctor’s saying that the head is small and there is water, and the child’s legs are a bit short. Now I am 6 months pregnant. Question date:2020-09-20 Patient information:Age: 29 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: I suggest you send out the result of this ultrasound test. Let me see if it is within the normal value… Read More

For a few weeks, I just started to press the left and right lower abdomen painfully, and went to the hospital for the right abdomen

Problem description: It’s been a few weeks. At the beginning, the left and right lower abdomen was painful. I went to the hospital and got a color Doppler ultrasound on the right abdomen. There was nothing to do. Then I ate the intestinal health for 2 weeks. , But sometimes I feel a burning sensation in my stomach, sometimes inexplicably painful, sometimes I feel flustered after eating, and I vomit.. Read More

In order to encourage employees to travel to China, Apple offers a daily bonus of US$500, and an extra bonus of US$20,000 after staying for 6 weeks

Apple can’t stop relying on China. Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat official account “AI Frontline” (ID: ai-front), organized : Liu Yan. Apple cannot stop relying on China. Apple resumes employees’ business trips to China and provides high rewards According to the foreign media The Information report, 7 current and former Apple employees and employees of Apple partners revealed that since October, Apple has resumed sending U.S. employees.. Read More

Hello doctor, I checked for non-chronic atrophic gastritis with bile reflux and stomach bloating

Problem description: Hello, doctor, I have checked non-chronic atrophic gastritis with bile reflux, my stomach is bloated and I don’t fart much, and now I have back and shoulder pain, my left buttocks are also a little bit painful, right armpit I feel a little uncomfortable when I go down. My chest still hurts at noon today. I had a physical examination last month and the doctor said there was.. Read More

The late future of folding screen phones

Is the trend constrained by technology, or is the so-called new technology becoming a gimmick? Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account “FN Business” (ID: FN-24H) author: Sixi. On November 11, the Israeli media The Verifier posted that Apple will launch a folding screen mobile phone, which is expected to be on sale in November 2022, with a starting price of $1,499. Even the price has been.. Read More

Can I take emergency contraceptives during menstruation?

Problem description: You really want to ask, that is, after the boyfriend who had no measures to deal with, I found out that I can take emergency contraception after menstruationDate of problem: 2020-09-20 Patient information:Age: 17 years old Gender: FemaleProblem analysis:Hello, if you have menstruation after sex, It shows that there is no risk of pregnancy. Guide and suggestion: There is no need to use emergency contraceptives at present, but.. Read More

Is it normal for a younger child?

Description of the problem:Is it normal for a younger child?Date of the problem:2020-09-20 Patient information: Age: 29 years old Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: Hello, according to the situation you described, mothers need to strengthen the combination of nutrition and meat and vegetables, and balance. Guide and suggestion: The diet should be varied, eat more foods high in calcium, drink more big bone soup, and get more exposure to the sun to.. Read More

Why could the chip released by Apple yesterday change the technology circle?

The title picture comes from: Visual China, this article comes from WeChat official account:bad review (ID: chaping321) Apple held a press conference in the early morning of November 11, Beijing time, and released the Mac mini, MacBook Air and 13-inch MacBook Pro equipped with the latest self-developed M1 chip. About these three new computers, everyone should have enough knowledge from various places by now. However, if you watch the press.. Read More

Good doctor, please answer my question as soon as possible

Problem description: The main needles are edema of the lower limbs, swelling of the abdomen, and inability to eat. It has been three or four months since the onset of the disease. The doctor in the hospital said that the cancer was in the advanced stage. It is recommended that conservative treatment prescribe medicine and go home. Take medicine and ask the doctor if there are any good medical treatments,.. Read More

Menstruation came on August 27, the same room on September 17, menstruation was advanced on 19

Description of the problem: Menstruation came on August 27, the same room on September 17, and the menstruation was advanced on the 19th. What is the reason?Date of the problem: 2020-09- 20 Patient information:Age: 27 years old Gender: FemaleProblem analysis: Hello, this situation as you said cannot be ruled out as ovulation Period bleeding,Guidelines: If oral emergency contraceptives are taken during sex, it is caused by oral emergency contraceptives. In.. Read More