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A 6-year-old child has a fever, but doesn’t cough a lot. Do I need to take some medicine, (also

Problem description: A 6-year-old child has a fever, but does not cough very much. Do you need to take some medicine? (Also, the tonsils have been cut before surgery, but now there are no tonsils), can cough 2-3 times a day , The voice is emptyQuestion date:2020-09-27 Patient information:Age: 6 years old Gender: Male Problem analysis: Hello, from the perspective of symptoms, we must first consider respiratory tract infection, fever,.. Read More

I sprained my ankle for two years, and it hurt as soon as I ran. Last year, the provincial medical examination revealed that the ligament was broken.

Problem description: Condition description (time of onset, main symptoms, symptom changes, etc.): Falling while running, sprained ankle, for more than two years, follow-up to the provincial medical examination, said it was a ligament break , It is recommended to warm up or surgery. Now after a year of recuperation, I have not taken any medication during this period. I rechecked this year and found no abnormalities. However, I still feel.. Read More

Taobao content is upgraded again: “buyer show” turns into “shopping”, trying to break through algorithm limitations

This upgrade of “Guess You Like” continues Taobao’s previous logic of embracing information flow, and improves the efficiency of matching people and goods through more significant information flow display. Taobao contentization and then upgrade Recently, Taobao ushered in a new round of revision and upgrade. There are three main changes: 1. “Guess you like” is moved up to the first screen of the homepage; Second, “WeTao” has been upgraded to.. Read More

Takeaway rider, die in Sydney

This article is from WeChat official account:World Talk (ID: globusnews), author: Fang winter, Editor: Zhang Xibei, from the title figure: vision China “I only hope that this kind of thing will not happen again in Australia.” On November 9th, Wei Lihong (sound) in New South Wales Said at the hearing of the State Assembly. She comes from a remote village in Shaanxi, China. A month ago, she finally set foot.. Read More

Does the fifth section of the lumbar disc calcification use surgery?

Problem description: Hello, doctor, I am a patient with lumbar disc. I can’t get up after getting up early 10 days ago and sneezing twice. I can’t move my right waist to my calf and can’t walk. When I went to the hospital for CT, the doctor said that the recommended operation was lumbar 4-5 disc bulging, lumbar 5-sacral 1 disc bulging and calcification, lumbar 3-4 disc edge calcification foci,.. Read More

Shanghai Daily丨Xiaoying Technology, a short video production and service provider, completed nearly 400 million yuan in Series C financing; Huawei became Russia’s first brand to sell smartphones online

And, Flipkart defeated Amazon in India’s holiday promotion this year; Mexico’s economy rebounded in the third quarter; Japan’s largest mobile communications operator NTT Docomo will significantly reduce traffic tariffs; Tokyo Stock Exchange CEO resigned due to system failure. Welcome to follow the WeChat official account (ID: wow36krchuhai) to obtain cutting-edge information and learn about new global trends in time. Scan the QR code at the end of the article to.. Read More

Mini Programs are changing the new pattern of commerce and traffic

This article comes from: QuestMobile, the original title: “QuestMobile2020 Panorama Ecological Traffic Fall Report: More than half of TOP100APP lays out small programs, and panoramic traffic reshapes the new pattern of industry competition “, the head picture comes from: Visual China The panoramic ecology accelerates the change of traffic pattern 1. Internet companies are accelerating the layout of panoramic ecological traffic. Over half of TOP100APP has been deployed in small.. Read More

After calf flap surgery, there is a redness and swelling around

Problem description: What should I do if there is redness and swelling around the calf flap? Question date:2020-09-27 Patient information:Age: 48 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: In this case, first consider the problem of local infection. It is recommended that patients be treated with iodophor for disinfection. Guide and suggestion: Use antibiotics for treatment under the guidance of a doctor, and pay attention to raising the affected limb during sleep… Read More

I would like to consult. I feel dizzy when I fall asleep during my menstrual period the next day after piercing my ears, but

Problem description: I would like to consult. I feel dizzy in my menstrual period the next day after I pierced my ears, but my piercings look no problem. Is my dizziness caused by piercings? Question date:2020-09-27 Patient information:Age: 24 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: There is no relationship between piercing the ears, just pay attention to the local cleaning. Guide suggestion: Dizziness, pay attention to rest, pay attention to ensure.. Read More

Meituan community group buying and other new businesses have a huge loss of 2 billion in a single quarter, and will continue to invest billions in the future

At present, Meituan’s priority is still on optimizing operations and building core capabilities, which will build a more open business and develop together with more local businesses in the upstream and downstream industries. Meituan community group buying and other new businesses have a huge loss of 2 billion in a single quarter A few days ago, Meituan released its interim financial report for the three months ended September 30, 2020… Read More