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I just got pregnant and overdose of Xiaoyao pills. I drank five or six bags at once, about one or two.

Problem description: I just got pregnant, took too much of Xiaoyao Pills, and drank five or six bags, about one to two hundred pills, feeling nauseous, nausea, and abdominal distension, what should I do? Question date: 2020-10-13 Patient information:Age: 26 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: I don’t know first Why do you want to eat so many Xiaoyao pills? It must be dealt with urgently first. Guidance suggestion: And after.. Read More

Menstruation has been inaccurate, basically every half a month, menstruation comes on September 1st

Problem description: Menstruation has been inaccurate, basically once every half a month, the menstruation that came on September 1 was clean on the 7th, and the 9th, 11th, 16th and 24th had sex with each other. Now the menstruation is delayed 13 days, can you tell me exactly which day I will be pregnantQuestion date:2020-10-13 Patient information:Age: 34 Age and Gender: FemaleProblem Analysis: Hello, ovulation usually occurs about 14 days.. Read More