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Not long after taking the emergency contraceptive pill, I took Yunnan Baiyao again. Is there a conflict?

Question description: Not long after taking the emergency contraceptive pill, I took Yunnan Baiyao again. Is this conflict?Question date: 2020-11-08 Patient information:Age: 25 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis:Hello, emergency contraceptives are a remedial measure after the event, generally after the event The medication within 72 hours has a protective effect. It is generally recommended to avoid eating as much as possible two hours before and after taking the medicine. If.. Read More

I was hit by a car and there was water in my spleen

Problem description: I was hit by a car and internally injured my spleen. What can I do to resolve it or eat quickly? Question date:2020-11-08 Patient information:Age: 26 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: Hello, I don’t know how long the trauma has been in this situation. If it hasn’t been long since the trauma, then this situation needs to be vigilant about the possibility of delayed bleeding? Guiding suggestions: If.. Read More

Right lung Ca, liver Ca, edema of lower limbs, abdominal distension.

Problem description: Ca in right lung, Ca in liver, edema of lower limbs, abdominal distension. Question date:2020-11-08 Patient information:Age: 72 years old Gender: MaleQuestion analysis: Hello, according to your description, in the current situation, if the tumor has metastasized, it is still very difficult to treat. Guide and suggestion: At present, it is mainly symptomatic and supportive treatment, which mainly depends on the symptoms. If the symptoms are mainly liver.. Read More

At the beginning, the eye membrane is now a protective membrane of the eyeball. The doctor wants the ulcer to eliminate the inflammation.

Problem description: At the beginning, the eye membrane is now a protective membrane of the eyeball. The doctor wants the ulcer to disappear. Do eye sutures to protect the fundus. We don’t know whether the eyes can still see things at that time, grade and body. Does it matter? Is there a better way? Question date:2020-11-08 Patient information:Age: 67 years old Gender: FemaleQuestion analysis: Hello, the ulcer of the eye.. Read More

Eye glue adhesion and eye membrane erosion should be sutured to protect the fundus

Problem description:Is it necessary to suture the eye glue and eye membrane erosion to protect the fundusDate of the problem:2020-11-08 Patient information:Age: 67 years old, Gender: FemaleProblem analysis:Hello, what you said should be the redness of the conjunctiva, which looks like yellow erosion. In this case, conjunctivitis is generally considered, and antiviral eye drops can be used to drip eyes, such as acyclovir eye drops. Guide suggestion: It is recommended.. Read More