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What medicine can be used for cardiac neurosis

Question description:What kind of medicine can be used for cardiac neurosis?Question date:2020-12-24 Patient information:Age: Gender: Cardiac neurosis is a functional disease. Once diagnosed, you need to communicate face-to-face with a doctor to analyze the specific causes of the disease. For patients with cardiac neurosis, psychological counseling is first necessary to change their unhealthy lifestyle. If the effect of life intervention is not good, then medication should be considered. Anti-anxiety drugs.. Read More

What medicine to take for cardiac neurosis

Problem description:What kind of medicine should I take for cardiac neurosis?Question date:2020-12-09 Patient information: Age: Gender: Cardiac neurosis can be treated with sedative and tranquilizing drugs, such as Schisandra syrup, Ostein and other drugs. If necessary, you can take Delixin, Alprazolam and other drugs for treatment. treatment. If you have symptoms of rapid heart rate, you can take Propranolol and other drugs to inhibit sympathetic nerve excitement and relieve symptoms.. Read More

How to treat cardiac neurosis

Problem description:How to treat cardiac neurosisDate of problem:2020-12-23 Patient information:Age : Gender: If it is a cardiac neurosis caused by mental or emotional factors, there is generally no need for special treatment. It can be relieved by adjusting your emotions and improving your lifestyle; if the symptoms are more serious, you can get professional Psychological counseling for treatment; if the disease is caused by cardiac neurosis, special treatment is required.. Read More

What are the symptoms of cardiac neurosis

Question description:What are the symptoms of cardiac neurosis?Question date:2020-12-20 Patient information: Age: Sex: Symptoms are more common when cardiac neurosis occurs. First of all, the patient will feel that palpitations are not related to activity. Second, symptoms such as chest tightness, sudden dyspnea, and shortness of breath will occur, which require hard breathing to improve. In addition, the patient will also experience persistent pain in the chest area, and the.. Read More