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How long does it take to lie down after prosthesis breast augmentation to soften

Problem description: Some time ago, I went to the hospital for prosthesis breast augmentation surgery. I always feel that my chest is hard when I lie down. How long does it take for me to lie down to soften after breast augmentation? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 33 Gender: FemaleHow long will it be after breast augmentation? The ability to soften is uncertain, about 3-6 months, the specific time is mainly.. Read More

How long does it take to lie down after prosthesis breast augmentation to soften

Problem description: My sister had a prosthesis breast augmentation some time ago, and her breasts are relatively hard. I would like to ask how long will it take to lie down to soften after breast implant augmentation? Question date:2021-06-12 Patient information:Age: 35 Gender: FemaleHow long does it take to lie down after breast augmentation? Under normal circumstances, it can become soft in 3-6 months. If the patient’s own absorptive capacity.. Read More