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Will cervical adhesions come to menstruation?

Problem description: Will cervical adhesions still have menstruation? Hearing from others, it may be amenorrhea. Question date: 2020-10-01 Patient information: Age: 35 Gender: FemaleWill cervical adhesions come with menstruation and The severity of adhesion is related. Mild cervical adhesions generally do not affect menstrual discharge; some patients between mild and severe adhesions will manifest as reduced menstrual flow, menstrual bleeding disorders, lower abdominal pain, etc.; severe adhesions are accompanied by.. Read More

Will cervical adhesions cause infertility?

Problem description: Will cervical adhesions cause infertility? Will it affect my pregnancy? Date of problem:2020-10-02 Patient information:Age: 37 Gender: FemaleCervical adhesions may cause women to suffer Pregnant. Cervical adhesion is a disease in which the mucous membrane of the cervical canal is damaged or inflammation occurs, leading to stenosis or complete atresia of the cervical canal. Therefore, during conception, it is not easy for sperm to go up through the.. Read More

Will cervical adhesions still get pregnant?

Problem description: Will cervical adhesions still get pregnant? The disease was suddenly detected during pregnancy. Question date:2020-10-02 Patient information: Age: 31 Gender: FemaleThis depends on the intrauterine adhesions Severity, generally speaking, will reduce the chance of pregnancy. The stenosis or complete atresia of the cervical canal caused by intrauterine adhesions destroys the integrity of the endometrium, leading to physiological dysfunction and disorder of the endometrium, which is very unfavorable for.. Read More

Tahoe’s debt restructuring has a turning point, and the Guangshen region becomes an entry point

Whether Tahoe can seize this opportunity to revitalize the Shenzhen project is crucial. Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “a real estate” (ID: dichanyitiao), Author: a monarch. It is very important for Tahoe to take this opportunity to revitalize the Shenzhen project. Tahoe’s debt restructuring has made new progress recently. On December 22, Tahoe Group Co., Ltd. issued an announcement on providing guarantees for wholly-owned subsidiaries… Read More

Will cervical adhesions affect pregnancy?

Problem description: Will cervical adhesions affect pregnancy? I have had uterine curettage, and my cervix has adhesions, can I still get pregnant now? Date of problem:2020-10-02 Patient information:Age: 27 Gender: FemaleCan cervical adhesions affect pregnancy of. Its performance is mainly to affect women’s ability to conceive and reduce the chance of pregnancy. First, in women with cervical adhesions, it is not easy for sperm to go up through the uterine.. Read More

Causes of cervical adhesions

Problem description: What is the cause of cervical adhesions? Check out cervical adhesions for no reason. Date of problem:2020-10-02 Patient information: Age: 28 Gender: FemaleThe cause of cervical adhesions is generally considered as Two situations. 1. Surgical operations: such as abortion operations and repeated operations in and out of the cervix, or rough manipulations during the operation, causing damage to the cervical mucosa during the operation, resulting in adhesion; 2… Read More

Facing the lobbying of tech giants, European regulators are wary of Brussels’ “Washingtonization”

The tech giants have already spent a lot of money in Brussels. The Translation Bureau is a subordinate translation team, focusing on science and technology, business, workplace, life and other fields, focusing on introducing new foreign technologies, new perspectives, and new trends. Editor’s note: Large technology companies have a profound impact on people’s lives, and their powers are getting bigger and bigger. Regulators have begun to strengthen supervision of technology.. Read More

Can pancreatitis drink more water?

Problem description: The upper abdomen pain appears these days. The doctor said that it is caused by pancreatitis. I want to drink more water to improve it. Can I drink more water for pancreatitis? Question date:2020-10-02 Patient information:Age: 21 Sex: Male Pancreatitis can drink more water. Patients of pancreatitis can relieve their symptoms by drinking plenty of water. Generally, judgments are made based on individual conditions. Patients with pancreatitis may.. Read More

How long does pancreatitis effusion take?

Problem description: Two days ago, when I had pain in the upper abdomen and went for an examination, I found out that it was pancreatitis effusion. How long does it take for the pancreatitis effusion to get better? Question date:2020-10-02 Patient information: Age: 22 Gender: MaleIt takes a week for pancreatitis effusion Time can be restored. It takes two weeks for the illness to recover. It is generally judged according.. Read More

The subway is crowded with “silver-haired workers”, and code farmers do not earn as much as KTV attendants. I work as a social animal abroad

Fleeing from the domestic scroll, he was involved in another scrolling society. Editor’s note: This article is from the micro-channel public number “microscopic Story” (ID: xianweigushi), Author: Patrick, do not chase Lee, Lee grass, Edit: Qinghuai. The word “community animal” originated from Japan, to the effect of living an squeezed life like an animal whose personality has been wiped out. With the increasing social pressure, more white-collar workers are used.. Read More