I never attended a “launch conference” that had to shout and talk to the other party.

However, rather than a launch event, Apple ’s celebration of annual apps and games is more like a party.

Developers around the world always influence and change our culture and life through various innovative apps, which bring us endless inspiration, and this year is no exception. The award-winning entries for the 2019 App Store’s best apps and games reflect a global desire for communication, creativity, and fun.

Phil Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of global marketing, said in a press statement.

Maybe because of this, this year ’s annual selection of apps and games has changed from the previous online release practice to a two-story space in Lower New York City, presenting this year ’s selected Games and apps.

Flower of the Year “Cure” Featured Game of the Year

▲ At the event, the “photos” selected for the game are exhibited like artworks

In the upper space, Apple has set up an experience area for the annual selected games. Playing along the way, I found that although the visual styles of almost every game are very different, most of them are notOften “cured.” The games that won the game of the year this year are as follows:

  • iPhone Game of the Year-“Sky: Children of the Light”
  • iPad Game of the Year-Hyper Light Drifter
  • Mac Game of the Year-GRIS
  • Apple TV Game of the Year-“Wonder Boy: The Dragon ’s Trap”
  • Apple Arcade Game of the Year-“Sayonara Wild Hearts”

    “Light and Encounter” and “GRIS” play and relax and “cure.” The visual language of both games is light and clear, giving players a sense of soaring. Interestingly, the teams on both sides unexpectedly listed Disney and Pixar as inspiration when they mentioned visual design, hoping that players can immerse themselves in the emotional experience brought by animation in a relaxed mood.

    The iPhone game of the year “Light · Yu” is another work by Chen Xinghan, the producer of “Wind Journey”. In this game, players can soar through the sky with a child character and collaborate with friends to explore the fantasy world.

    In the experience, the person in charge often emphasized that this is a game that emphasizes cooperation. There is no tit-for-tat competition in the game. Only holding hands together can unlock the friendliness of the wider world.