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Warburg Pincus Investment Wei Zhen: Under the new development pattern of “double cycle”, consumer investment usher in a new window of opportunity

In-depth study of investment topics and investment trends Editor’s note: This article is from the WeChat public account ” Warburg Pincus “(ID: warburgpincus) , author: Warburg Pincus. On September 15, Wei Zhen, co-president of Warburg Pincus Investment China, was invited to attend the “Consumer Industry Themed Investment Strategy Sharing Conference” hosted by China Insurance Asset Management Association and delivered an important keynote speech at the meeting. The rise of the.. Read More

Kazakh pig industry needs China

This article is from WeChat official account: Earth knowledge Bureau (ID: diqiuzhishiju) , author: Dmitry, cartography: Sun green, proofreading: cat Stewart, editor: Yakult, head picture from: Visual China At the end of last year, when the African swine fever epidemic caused the price of pork in our country to soar, my country’s northwestern neighboring country and non-affected country Kazakhstan signed a trade agreement with my country and it is expected.. Read More