Lao Zhang When I was young, I heard old people in the village say that there was a fox fairy on the mountain behind the village, a snow-white fox, and there were always a few little foxes around him. Always playing in groups in the mountain stream.

People who go into the mountains to chop wood will occasionally run into them, but every time the two sides do not interfere with each other, and each walks its own way. Before liberation, there was a young offspring in the village who shot a good gun. After the busy farming period, he can always be seen walking in the nearby mountains. Every time he comes back, he is either carrying a hare or a few pheasants.

It is said that this young man had a relationship with the fox fairy on the mountain. Everyone in the village knows this. It is not a secret. Write it down today and share it with everyone.

It was a winter, three days and three nights with heavy snow, the whole world was plain white. After the heavy snow stopped, the younger generation had the idea of ​​going into the mountains to hunt. It’s a good time to go hunting in the mountains now. Animals are all out looking for food. With their guns, they can make a good profit this time. After talking to the family, he took a shotgun, food, and a half-sized hunting dog and went into the mountain.

Shortly after entering the mountain, wild animals were discovered in the later life, but they were all dead. It can be seen that the wild animals came out to find food and were frozen to death. After this, the young people collected all these dead wild animals and continued to walk into the mountains.

The more you go, the more you see people, except for the few dead wild things that you just picked up in the open mountains, you can’t see anything. I wondered if the snow was too much, and all the animals on this mountain were buried alive and frozen to death.

Near noon, I simply ate some food. When I was about to go back home, I heard the sounds of animals faintly. The voices were very small and immature. The younger generation followed the sound of the sound and walked over to a leeward stone crevice. Seven or eight little foxes were trembling together, hungry and skinny.

I don’t know what’s going on. After that, my compassion was alive. I took out a dead hare and cut the rabbit meat into small strips with a knife. fox. Seven or eight little foxes, one rabbit is not enough. After a while, all the wild animals he picked up entered the little fox’s belly. Fortunately, these little foxes are also full, and a few are already asleep.

The queen found some dry branches nearby. A fire started near the little fox. After adding enough branches, the queen took the hound home.

After I came home from birth, I didn’t take this matter to heart. Had a dream that night, in which a beautiful woman appeared. The woman came to a large family with the offspring, saying that she was going to entertain the offspring. Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food. The woman waved her hand, and seven or eight young men walked up to the younger generation, and all knelt down, saying that Xie Engong had helped her.

The woman said to the younger son: “The son saves my eight children, and I protect the son’s eight years of wealth in the world.” After she waved her hand, the younger son woke up. After thinking about this dream, he smiled and said that he had run into a fox fairy, and the fox fairy had to repay his favor.

After another month, the youngsters took the hunted prey to the provincial capital to sell. It happened to run into a lady of everyone, and the two fell in love at first sight and set a lifelong secret. Miss Qian Jin married a poor boy, which really made the people in the village envious. The bride brought a lot of money. It took a full 8 years for the family. During the 8 years, the rest of the life would be idle all day long, doing no farm work, and relying on the dowry of his wife.

It wasn’t until the dowry money was spent that later generations began to regain their status as farmers. The farmers were busy planting crops, and when they were busy, they went hunting in the mountains.

It is said that on the day of his death, a group of foxes wailed in the mountains behind the village. As the old man said, the five immortal families of fox, yellow, white, willow and ash, the Hu family will repay their kindness.

Alright, the story is over. I hope that everyone will do more good deeds, and the good deeds will come.