Description of the problem: I have not been to the hospital, but it has been recurring. I wiped it off with Piyanping, and it will happen after a while.
Date of the problem: 2020-09 -20
Patient information:Age: Gender:
Problem analysis: The picture you provided considers that the patient has chronic eczema, you use Piyanping, because there are hormones in it, the patient gets better quickly, but it cannot solve the fundamental problem.
Guidelines: First, pay attention to the proper use of ointments with Chinese medicine ingredients, such as tongue ointment, try not to use this hormone-containing ointment, and always pay attention to maintaining a calm mind and not eating some Spicy and irritating foods, and do not eat seafood foods, to enhance resistance can fundamentally stop the recurrence.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination