Problem description: Hello doctor, acute gastroenteritis, followed by jaundice, face is very yellow, transaminase increased by more than 700, what should I do? What needs attention? What kind of medicine is good? Will it be serious? How to treat it safely and effectively? Have you ever been to the hospital for treatment: Have been, City Hospital, Gastroenterology Department Current medication instructions: currently taking medications, Ganshuang granules, ammonia glycyrrhizinate tablets
Question date:2020-09-21 < br />Patient information:Age: Gender:
Problem analysis:Hello, your current jaundice index is relatively serious, indicating that the condition is relatively serious, and you need to be clear. The red pigment index requires an upper abdominal magnetic resonance.
Guidance suggestion: I suggest that you currently need to choose liver protection drugs and drugs that promote bile metabolism. It can also be treated with Chinese medicine.
Suggestions are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination