What kind of water would you choose to drink?

Editor’s note: This article “slot value” from the micro-channel public number (ID: caozhi163) , of: groove Value girl.

Nowadays, light eating style seems to be a new trend in adult diet.

When abstaining from sugar and carbonated beverages has become the “purpose” of health preservation, sparkling water with the concept of low sugar and low calories will not surprisingly stand out.

Opening the live broadcast of Wei Ya Li Jiaqi, the sales volume of sparkling water is always setting new records. People need to constantly improve their hand speed to have the joy of drinking water.

water / image source unsplash

But at the same time, another voice began to appear constantly.

Some people believe that not only is sparkling water not as healthy as advertised on the market, long-term drinking will also cause a series of irreversible damage to the body.

It can cause tooth decay, gastrointestinal discomfort, and osteoporosis in a minor amount, and even anemia and other symptoms in severe cases.

Is a small bottle of sparkling water really so “toxic”?

The true face of sparkling water

The essence of sparkling water is a bottle of carbonated water.

After drinking, people can experience the “sweetness” of carbon dioxide surge when drinking carbonated beverages.

Even partially sweet sparkling water is mainly added in the form of sugar substitutes and does not generate heat.

Paris Water Commodity Picture/ Picture source unsplash, with thisWen has no interest

Therefore, whether it is Paris water that takes the high-end middle-class route, or the Internet celebrity sparkling water that takes the fresh trend “level replacement” route, it can alleviate young people’s desire to drink “Fat House Happy Water”, but they are afraid of drinking too much Unhealthy tangled mentality.

According to data from Euromonitor, an international market research company, the sales of sparkling water in the Chinese market reached US$413 million in 2017, a 24% increase from 2014.

The Vital Energy Forest Sparkling Water, which was popular some time ago, achieved sales of 660 million yuan from January to May this year.

Yuanqi Forest Commodity Picture / No interest relationship with this article

Low sugar, only sugar substitutes, and low calories. These reassuring health labels have also made more and more people willing to give it a try.

What’s more, drinking sparkling water can also bring benefits to our body.

Although it is generally believed that beverages with carbonated “bubbles” can easily cause gastrointestinal gas and affect normal gastrointestinal movements.

But in fact, its impact may not be so negative.

Picture source unsplash

Data shows that when the human body is in an empty stomach, drinking 250ml of sparkling water slowly will release 900ml of gas in the body.

The feeling of bloating is also caused by this.

This “side effect” of moderate flatulence not only does not harm the intestines and stomach, but it can increase the feeling of fullness to avoid overeating.

In addition to the positive effect on the intestines and stomach, a foreign study in the Journal of Throat and Otology also shows that the carbonic acid in the bubble water has the ability to stimulate the swallowing nerve.

This study selected people with daily throat problems as samples.

Principle of human drinking and swallowing

Among them, 63% of the subjects in the sample had a greater relief of the symptoms of dysphagia after drinking frozen sparkling water.

This shows that, to a certain extent, drinking sparkling water can improve the swallowing ability of the human body, and it can promote the health of the body.

Sparkling water, too many misunderstandings

However, as sparkling water continues to occupy the market, some people have also raised questions.

For example, some people believe that if you drink it for a long time, your body will be affected by its weak acid elements, resulting in bone osteoporosis, tooth decay, and tooth enamel corrosion.

These are the negative effects of the Tao, but the answer may not be so absolute.


According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2006, even if they are both carbonated drinks, the effects of drinking cola and drinking sparkling water are not comparable.

The main difference between the two lies in the composition of the ingredients.

Cola contains a certain amount of caffeine and phosphoric acid. Long-term drinking will cause an imbalance in the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the body, which directly leads to a decrease in bone density.

In contrast, sparkling water does not contain ingredients such as caffeine and phosphoric acid, so it does not cause osteoporosis.

Coke and phosphoric acid composition table in cola

As for the “carbonic acid” in the bubble water, it is not as terrible as imagined.

The pH of pure boiled water is 7, while the pH of sparkling water is about 5-6, which is weakly acidic.

Tuyuan “Sampling Test of pH Value of Beverages in Xi’an Market”

Under the condition of normal metabolism, the lungs of the human body will excrete excess carbon dioxide from the body every day, so that the pH value of the human blood is maintained in the weakly alkaline range of 7.35-7.45.

Therefore, the carbonic acid in the bubble water does not cause serious damage to the human bones and body in nature.


Similarly, the impact on tooth enamel is not so shocking.

A case report on carbonated beverages published in “Journal of Zhejiang University (Science Edition) Series B” shows that the culprit for tooth erosion is the acid and other sugars added in some carbonated beverages.

Sparkling water that has not been flavored or added with sugar substitutes. The carbonic acid contained in it is a weak acid, which basically does not affect the health of tooth enamel and teeth.

But if you are ingesting sweet sparkling water, you need to pay more attention.

Studies have shown that the combination of sugar and carbonic acid may cause severe dental caries.

Although the sparkling water added with sugar substitutes will not make you fat, you still need to control it when drinking it to avoid harm to your teeth.

How to drink sparkling water?

Currently, the research results of sparkling water are limited. It is necessary to prove that sparkling water is healthy benefits or harmful , There is still some difficulty.

What is certain is that if you choose it occasionally in your life to adjust your taste buds, and drink it in a reasonable way, there is no problem at all.

But you need to remember that the intake of any substance is moderate and should not exceed the amount that the body can bear.