Problem description: I have a bit of serious tooth wear recently. I would like to know if this can be restored. Can the tooth wear be repaired?
Date of problem: 2020-09-23
Patient information: Age: 25 Gender: Female
Teeth wear can be repaired.
Tooth wear cannot be repaired by itself, but it can be repaired by artificial fillings, because teeth are a consumable, once they are fully grown, they will only gradually wear out, and they will not repair the worn-out parts through diet, but current medicine The technology can use professional filling materials to supplement the worn parts of the teeth, and the effect is good.
Once tooth wear occurs, attention must be paid to the subsequent restoration of teeth, and normal care of the tooth tissue must be effectively carried out to avoid continuous damage to the teeth and unable to use them normally.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination