Problem description: My teeth have not been very good-looking, so I went to the hospital for correction. How often do I have my teeth corrected?
Question date: 2020-09-23
Patient information: Age: 34 Gender: Female
The period of orthodontics is usually three Follow up once a week.
Under normal circumstances, the patient will be asked to come back for adjustment in an average of about three weeks. Studies have shown that once a tooth is subjected to external forces, its surrounding tissues will soon undergo a series of changes within a few days, and then it is very good to give some time to provide respite and recovery opportunities, and three weeks just belong to a benign cycle. It is generally hoped that the patient can return to the clinic every two weeks, because the main concern is that there is a problem but it will be delayed, which will affect the final result of the orthodontics.
It is recommended that if you encounter some special conditions during the orthodontic process, such as deformation of the steel wire fixing the teeth, continuous pain of the teeth or gingivitis, you should follow up in time.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination