Problem description: I was diagnosed with hypertension before, but my condition has not been controlled. What should I do? How can I control my hypertension?
Question date:2020-09-23
Patient information:Age: 70 Sex: Male
High blood pressure control includes healthy There are two ways of lifestyle and medication.
A healthy lifestyle includes reducing sodium intake and increasing potassium intake. Controlling weight, quitting smoking, excessive drinking, proper physical activity, reducing mental stress, maintaining mental balance, etc., are all healthy lifestyles. There are also oral antihypertensive drugs for antihypertensive treatment. Generally, the following four principles are followed, that is, start with a small dose, give priority to long-acting preparations, and combine them. According to the patient’s comorbidities, individualized treatment should be carried out.
It is recommended that patients with high blood pressure need to reduce the intake of fat, especially cholesterol. Supplement high-quality protein, enhance physical fitness and resistance, eat more foods such as fresh shrimp, lean meat and egg whites.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination