Problem description: My friend told me that his cervical spine had a headache, and I was worried about the headache caused by cervical spine pain. Does cervical pain cause headaches?
Date of the problem:2020-09-24
Patient information:Age: 30 Gender: Male
Cervical pain can cause headaches.
When a patient develops cervical spondylosis, the blood circulation of the cervical vertebral arteries will be abnormal, which will cause brain ischemia and cause pain, but it may also be caused by the cervical spine protrusion that stimulates the peripheral sympathetic nerve endings, causing neurological disorders. As a result, symptoms of dizziness and headache may occur, and may be accompanied by neck pain, back pain, and even discomfort such as numbness and weakness of the limbs. Therefore, when a patient develops cervical spondylosis, he needs to go to the local hospital for CT and X-ray examination.
Use symptomatic treatment after judging the cause of the disease based on the results of the examination, and during the treatment, you should stay in bed more and turn your neck more to catch up with cervical pain.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed examination