Problem description: Hello, doctor! I just saw a doctor in our hospital on September 21. It belongs to rheumatoid disease. The doctor prescribed Jintiange Capsules, Lornoxicam Dispersible Tablets, and Huayu Xiaobi Capsules, but I got swollen hands and face after taking it. Question, don’t know what to do? Please husband guide! Thank you!
Question date:2020-09-25
Patient information:Age: 49 years old Gender: Female
Question analysis: Hello, according to your description, these four drugs are indeed commonly used drugs for rheumatoid arthritis, but the reaction of individuals taking it will not be painful, and the drugs will more or less affect kidney function, and then cause Adverse reactions such as edema.
Guide suggestion: It is recommended to stop using the drug for a period of time and observe it. If stopping the drug relieves the edema, it is a drug reaction. Otherwise, the edema cannot be relieved, immediately go to the doctor who prescribes the medicine, and the doctor will treat your edema, and change or stop the medicine later.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection