Is non-stop menstruation an endocrine disorder

The normal menstrual period is about 3 to 7 days, but there are some problems in the body At this time, it will cause menstrual disorders. Common endocrine disorders will affect the menstrual cycle and the amount of menstruation, and it will also cause other problems. Is the non-stop menstruation an endocrine disorder?

endocrine disorders can lead to non-stop menstruation. The common phenomenon is that the menstrual period is long, and there is also the situation of inexhaustible menstruation, which regulates the body Your endocrine can improve this situation. You can first go to the hospital to check the six hormones. After you know that menstruation is caused by endocrine problems, you can take some body conditioning drugs.

There are many reasons for endocrine disorders in life, among them, irregular work and rest can also cause endocrine disorders. Sleep late at night and wake up late in the morning. , In life, work pressure, nervousness, and not eating regularly, etc., these behaviors will cause endocrine disorders, usually develop a good life habit, maintain a happy mood, can also alleviate this situation.

Although endocrine can cause non-stop menstruation, other diseases can also cause non-stop menstruation. It is recommended to go to the hospital as soon as possible to do a comprehensive Check, many gynecological diseases can also cause non-stop menstruation, generally advocate early detection and early treatment, So that the disease can be controlled early.