What to do with stomach pain before menstruation

Every woman goes through her menstrual period in one month. Some changes will gradually occur. Some women will experience sleepiness and chest swelling. Many of them will feel stomach pains before menstruation. What about stomach pains before menstruation?

Before menstruation, if your stomach hurts, it is dysmenorrhea. It is caused by uterine contractions caused by the synthesis and secretion of prostaglandins in the endometrium. It usually manifests as lower abdominal pain During the dysmenorrhea period, you can drink some hot brown sugar water to relieve the symptoms, and to keep the abdomen warm appropriately, it can also have a relieving effect. If the dysmenorrhea is more serious, you can take some drugs to relieve the dysmenorrhea.

Many women experience dysmenorrhea during menstruation. If the pain is mild, you can treat it in your daily life, and make your abdomen well in your daily life In the work of keeping warm, the usual diet should be mainly warm foods, cold foods should be avoided, and some ice watermelon and ice cream should be avoided. Especially during menstruation, it is easy to cause cold in the palace.

Dysmenorrhea during menstruation may also be caused by some gynecological diseases. It is recommended to go to a gynecological examination. When problems are found, they must be treated in time. During treatment, you need to follow According to the doctor’s advice, take medicines on time, and prohibit sexual life during treatment of gynecological diseases to avoid aggravating inflammation.Will affect women’s health.