Irregular menstruation and physical weakness how to treat

Many women have menstruation every month, but it may be because of some body The reason for this is that some women will postpone it, or make it earlier. It is normal within a week before and after, but if the postponement is too long, it belongs to irregular menstruation. Then how to treat irregular menstruation and physical weakness?

Irregular menstruation needs to be treated well in daily life. At the same time, more women have irregular menstruation because of gynecological diseases. First go to the hospital to check the leucorrhea routine, rule out it is caused by gynecological diseases, common cervical adhesions and cervical erosion and other gynecological diseases can cause irregular menstruation. These diseases should be treated in time after they are found.

After excluding irregular menstruation caused by some diseases, you can use traditional Chinese medicine to treat, you can use moxibustion to treat, and moxibustion corresponds accordingly The acupuncture points can play the effect of warming the palace and dispelling cold, and also can effectively regulate menstruation. During the conditioning period, it can be combined with the corresponding drugs for conditioning, and the effect is better.

Most women with irregular menstruation are related to their daily life habits. To avoid irregular menstruation, pay attention to them in daily life To keep the abdomen warm, we should focus on warm food in our daily life, reduce the intake of cold and cold food, and the diet should be nutritious and strengthenThe body’s resistance.