Why menstruation are all black on the first day

When women develop to a certain stage, menstruation occurs. This is a Normal physiology, but there are also some women whose menstrual blood is black on the first day before menstruation, so they are more worried, afraid of health problems, so why are menstruation all black on the first day?

Generally on the first day of menstruation, less blood flows out of the vagina, menstrual blood will collect in the vagina, and the iron in the blood will gradually Oxidized by the air, it will turn black, so menstruation will be black on the first day of menstruation. This is also a normal phenomenon. There is no need to worry too much. As the amount of menstruation increases, it will be discharged from the body in time. It will become a normal bright red.

From the color and volume of menstruation, it can be observed whether a woman’s body is healthy. If the volume of menstruation is always black during menstruation, it should cause Pay attention, and go to the hospital to check the cause of the disease in time. It is likely to be caused by palace cold or all other gynecological diseases. It should be discovered and treated in time.

Women who suffer from uterine cold generally have darker menstrual blood and pain during menstruationAfter, women suffering from coldIn your daily life, you should pay attention to keep warm, avoid cold abdomen, eat more warm food, reduce the intake of frozen food, and be careful not to touch ice water at ordinary times, especially during menstruation.