Problem description: The arm sleeps and presses the triceps for too long, a hard object on the bed touches the arm, wakes up with weakness in the arm, cramps, and now the palms and fingers are sore, there is a history of cervical spondylosis, but the hand functions are all Yes, it is soreness and occasional numbness!
Question date:2020-09-28
Patient information:Age: 39 years old Gender: Male
Question analysis: The situation is not simply related to cervical spondylosis. It is also related to the patient’s long-term compression. It is recommended that the patient should pay attention to hot compresses first.
Guide and suggestion: The most important treatment for cervical spondylosis is prevention. Usually, you should be careful not to watch mobile phones and computers for a long time, and be careful not to keep your neck in one position.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection