“In the next 20 years, we will discover a large number of planets outside the solar system, and there must be some very important to humans , The target planet that may move to in the future.” This article is from the WeChat public account: On the Road Gezhi rostrum (ID: SELFtalks) , author: SOCIALIST from FIG title:” Prometheus”

Li Haining, National Observatory< /p>

I come from the National Observatory. Do you know what the teachers of the observatory do?

I want to tell you that what we usually pay attention to is in the world outside the earth’s atmosphere.

One thing I want to do today is to lead the students to an adventure in the galaxy.

Our adventure has only one goal, which is to find a new earth.

Looking for a new earth in the solar system

I don’t know if any classmates have seen the movie “Wandering Earth”.

The thing in this movie is very simple. When one day our sun is no longer as warm as it is today, it begins to become a behemoth and becomes a red giant., What will happen to it.

It will start to swallow the earth, and the earth will no longer survive in the solar system.

At this time, humans thought of a way. They wanted to take the earth away and take it to another sun.

But the students think it is easy to take the earth away with human power?

Not easy, very not easy.

And I can tell you that scientists have found that there are many problems and difficulties in this, but we can think about this problem in a different way.

The “Wandering Earth” we mentioned just now is based on a hypothesis: it assumes that the earth is the only planet in this universe where humans can survive. Do you think this is true?

No. There must be another planet that is also suitable for life or human beings.

So what we have to do today is to find it. We are going to find this new earth.

To find a new earth, of course we have to leave the earth and go outside, so let’s find it in the solar system first.

If we leave the earth and head away from the sun, we will be the first to encounter Mars.

Mars looks very similar to the Earth in many places, so we call Mars the sister planet of the Earth.

People often ask a question, are there any Martians on Mars?

Before answering this question, I think we need to answer another question first. If you want to find life on a planet, or find people, what do you look for first?

We are looking for water on this planet.

So is there water on Mars? Have.

There is a lot of evidence for these pictures.

For example, there are the marks of the flood, the remains of the ancient ocean, and the splatter-like pits like muddy ground after it rains.

It all shows that there was once water on Mars.

So is there water on Mars now?

There is also water on Mars now, but it is not liquid, but water ice.

There used to be some probes digging on Mars, and some water ice was dug out from the ground. The white water ice became less after a short period of time. What does it indicate?