Problem description: My uncle should not be diagnosed with hyperthyroidism combined with diabetes. I don’t know how to treat it to relieve it. What should I do with hyperthyroidism combined with diabetes?
Question date:2020-09-27
Patient information:Age: 54 Sex: Male
Hyperthyroidism combined with diabetes choose medication or It is to control your diet and your own weight.
After the emergence of hyperthyroidism and diabetes, you must choose to use drugs or insulin injections in time, and you must control your diet and your own weight, because people who are overweight have a relatively high chance of getting diabetes. Those suffering from diabetes can easily lead to blurred vision, pale complexion, and increased blood pressure.
Don’t eat too many pickled products, and pay attention to early treatment, because early treatment can achieve good control purposes.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection