Problem description: The dermatitis has been treated with medicine for three days, but it does not seem to get better. How long will the dermatitis get better?
Question date:2020-09-27
Patient information:Age: 30 Gender: Female
The specific recovery time of dermatitis needs to be combined with the condition The severity of the decision.
If the condition is relatively mild and does not cause other discomforts and complications, it will be able to recover in about a week, but if the condition is relatively serious and there are ulcers and exudates, the recovery time will be longer. About two weeks or so. The specific recovery time needs to be determined in combination with personal skin type, daily care and treatment plan.
It is necessary to follow the doctor’s advice when recovering, and not to adjust the treatment plan without authorization, to avoid improper treatment, which may lead to repeated attacks, and to maintain local hygiene.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection