Problem description: I have had dermatitis for two or three days, and I have been using drugs for treatment. The doctor said that I should pay attention to my diet every day. What should I eat for dermatitis?
Question date: 2020-09-27
Patient information: Age: 29 Gender: Female
Daily dermatitis can eat more Foods high in vitamins.
During the recovery period of dermatitis, the body’s skin resistance will be poor. You can eat more foods rich in vitamins, such as carrots, oranges, grapefruits, etc., which will help the condition. At the same time, eat more light ones Do not eat spicy food or seafood, which can cause irritation to local skin and aggravate discomfort.
Of course, you can also eat some honey appropriately. Certain ingredients contained in honey can enhance the body’s anti-allergic ability. During the recovery period, pay attention to local hygiene and try not to scratch with your hands.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection