Problem description: I have hormonal dermatitis dermatitis on my face. The doctor said to stop using hormonal drugs. How long does it take to withdraw from hormone dermatitis?
Question date:2020-09-27
Patient information:Age: 20 Gender: Female
Hormone dermatitis stage, the specific time is required Determine based on personal physical condition.
Mainly due to each person’s skin type, the use of hormone products, amount, personal skin type and the skin’s ability to absorb hormones, etc., will have different withdrawal times. If it is relatively mild, it will disappear in about a week, and the more severe withdrawal time may be longer. During this period, the patient’s local skin may have discomfort symptoms, such as redness, itching, and yellow water.
Don’t worry too much, these are hormonal withdrawal reactions. If the symptoms are not serious, you can go to a local regular hospital for consultation, combined with the condition of the face, use drugs for conditioning under the guidance of a doctor.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection