Problem description: I have a period, but I want to go to cupping. I don’t know if it can be cupping. Can I do cupping during the period?
Question date:2020-09-28
Patient information:Age: 34 Gender: Female
Cannot cupping during a period.
Cupping can promote blood circulation in the body. The body is weaker during menstruation. After cupping, it will lead to increased menstrual blood volume, prolonged menstrual period, and menstrual disorders. In severe cases, it will increase the occurrence of uterine diseases. So during menstruation Cupping is not allowed during this period. If the body is unwell, you can go to a local regular hospital for examination. According to the physical condition, choose a more appropriate drug for treatment under the guidance of a doctor.
It is necessary to keep warm during the menstrual period to avoid cold in the abdomen and cause menstrual syndrome. Pay attention to the local hygiene and change sanitary napkins frequently to reduce the growth of bacteria.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection