Problem description: My face always has acne and I want to go to cupping to detoxify, can I cup my face?
Question date:2020-09-28
Patient information:Age: 33 Gender: Female
Cannot cupping on the face.
If the operation is improper, it will cause damage to the skin of the face. In severe cases, it will leave scars and affect the appearance of the face. If you have facial discomfort, you can go to the local regular hospital dermatology department for examination, and a professional doctor will guide you to choose a more appropriate treatment. Before the diagnosis is confirmed, it is not allowed to choose a treatment plan without authorization to avoid improper treatment that may affect the facial skin and facial appearance.
Daily pay attention to local hygiene, try not to scratch with your hands, and choose skin care products with relatively high chemical ingredients to avoid irritation to the skin and increase skin diseases.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection