Problem description: I have been feeling very tired to walk. A couple of days ago, my colleague told me that maybe I have flat feet, so I was very tired to walk. After I went to the hospital for an examination, it was really flat feet, so I especially want to consult Doctor, what happens if flat feet are severe?
Question date:2020-09-28
Patient information:Age: 25 Gender: Male
Most patients with flat feet have no obvious symptoms , A small number of people have pain in the ankle and lower leg, often accompanied by changes in standing posture and walking gait.
Symptoms can manifest as pain on the inner side of the midfoot, extending to the ankle and inner side of the calf, raising the heel (raising the heel), aggravating when standing or walking for a long time, and reducing it when resting. The patient can also manifest as standing heel valgus, full inner edge of the foot, low or disappearing longitudinal arch of the foot, protruding scaphoid tubercle to the inside, abnormal gait, such as the outer edge of the shoe heel, etc. Can be easily worn out. In addition, when the patient’s arch collapses and pain is severe, there may be a decline in walking or exercise ability, which may be accompanied by swelling of the ankle joint, or accompanied by hallux valgus, heel valgus, or knee X-leg deformity.
Suggestion: Control body weight, combine work and rest, perform foot and ankle functional exercises under the guidance of a doctor, and keep a healthy lifestyle with flat feet daily.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection