Problem description: These days, I have always had a yellowish complexion. After the examination, I have a deficiency of qi and blood. How to regulate the deficiency of qi and blood?
Question date:2020-09-30
Patient information: Age: 25 Gender: Female
Qi and blood deficiency can be guided by a doctor Take oral Chinese patent medicine for conditioning.
Patients must change their own diet when taking medicines for regulating qi and blood deficiency. Do not eat spicy and irritating foods, which may affect the normal function of the medicines and may cause more serious diseases. At the same time, observe whether there are signs of improvement in your symptoms. The diet should also be improved accordingly. Try to choose to eat lean animal meat and eggs.
Patients with deficiency of qi and blood are not allowed to do strenuous exercise and heavy physical labor, and should rest in bed as much as possible. If there is any adverse condition, they should communicate with the doctor immediately.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection