Problem description: My son has tic disorder. He always turns his head and neck, and makes some strange noises in his mouth. I want to ask if tic disorder can heal itself?
Date of question:2020-10-01
Patient information:Age: 6 Sex: Male
Patients with tic disorder need to be based on the severity of the condition Determine whether it can heal itself.
Tic disorder is more common in children. It is manifested as involuntary tics, language or behavioral disturbances. If the symptoms are mild, they can gradually heal after adolescence. However, some patients with chronic tic disorder can have repeated attacks in prepuberty. , It affects their attention and social interaction, and requires timely treatment. Generally, after active treatment, most patients can get better treatment results, and the symptoms will gradually relieve and disappear. However, some patients may have symptoms that may exist for a long time or even last a lifetime. .
Patients should pay attention to reasonable arrangements of daily life and activities to avoid excessive excitement, tension and fatigue.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection