Problem description: I always feel dizzy, especially when I sit up and stand up, I feel that my eyes are dark. I went to check and said that it was low blood pressure. It can also be adjusted through diet. What is the best way to eat for low blood pressure? ?
Question date:2020-10-01
Patient information:Age: 40 Sex: Male
Patients with low blood pressure can eat moderately high Sodium, high cholesterol foods to raise blood pressure.
Patients with physiological hypotension generally do not need special diet management, but patients with pathological hypotension should pay attention to ensuring calorie intake, avoid eating too full or fasting, eat small amounts, and rest after meals. Patients should appropriately eat high sodium and high cholesterol foods to supplement blood pressure and ensure water intake. They can also take some tonics that help increase blood pressure, such as ginseng and astragalus. If the blood pressure drops after the patient eats, pay attention to reduce Carbohydrate intake, avoid eating raw and cold irritating foods.
Usually develop good living habits, exercise properly, avoid prolonged sitting for a long time, and measure blood pressure regularly and keep records every day.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection