Problem description: The child is four years old this year. I don’t know what’s going on. He always has tics. After I went to see it, he said he was suffering from tics. I wanted to ask about tics. caused?
Date of question:2020-10-01
Patient information: Age: 4 Sex: Male
Occurrence and inheritance of tic disorder, Nerve growth, psychosocial factors or drug factors are related.
Tic disorder is a disease of neuropsychiatric disorder. Patients will have involuntary and irregular tic performance. Many studies have shown that the disease has a genetic tendency. The inheritance method may be autosomal dominant or polygenic inheritance. , Central neurotransmitter disorders, mental trauma, excessive stress, long-term or large amounts of central stimulants and antipsychotic drugs may induce or aggravate the disease.
Tic syndrome is usually treated with drugs and psychology, reasonable arrangements for the children’s work and rest time, maintain a balanced diet, treat the children correctly, and eliminate their psychological factors.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection