Problem description: Recently, the leucorrhea has increased significantly, it is green, with itching symptoms, and also accompanied by peculiar smell, which is very annoying.
Question date: 2020-10-02
Patient information: Age: 26 Gender: Female
If the vaginal discharge is green, consider it. Caused by vaginal inflammation.
The yellow-green leucorrhea is the first symptom of patients with trichomonal vaginitis. At the same time, the leucorrhea will be thin and foamy, and may be accompanied by itching and burning of the vulva, but it will also appear if it is combined with bacterial infection. In such cases, if the leucorrhea is green, the cause must be diagnosed and treated in time.
Anti-inflammatory drugs can be taken orally, and the genitals should be cleaned with gynecological topical lotion. Always pay attention to personal hygiene, wear cotton underwear and change it every day, and try not to wear tight pants.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection