Problem description: My mother has rheumatism. What are the dietary taboos for rheumatism?
Question date:2020-10-02
Patient information:Age: 41 Gender: Female
Different rheumatism, dietary contraindications Is different.
If patients with lupus erythematosus have photosensitivity, they should eat less foods that cause photosensitivity, such as fresh mushrooms, celery, etc. You can choose kelp, lettuce, amaranth, etc. Rheumatoid arthritis is prone to joint swelling and pain. Patients should not eat irritating foods, such as chili, onion, ginger, garlic, mustard, etc., and can choose to eat more foods containing deep-sea fish oil. Patients with gout have a strict diet, try not to eat foods with high purine content, such as seafood, animal organs, and honey. You can choose to eat some green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, amaranth, etc.
Rheumatism is a chronic autoimmune disease that needs to be controlled by long-term drug treatment, and eat as little irritating food as possible in the diet.
Recommendations are for reference only. If the problem is serious, please go to the hospital for detailed inspection